
Copywriting for your website

Professionally written text (copywriting) is included with all Potent website builds.

When we think about how to make your website more effective it all starts with what it says about you. The few hundred words on each website page really need to perform for you. Firstly, they allow you to be found on Google so you can attract new customers. Secondly, they educate visitors on your goods and services and establish that you are good at what you do. Your words should convert casual visitors into genuine enquiries.

This written text needs to be tightly aligned to the way you would explain your goods and services if the customer was speaking to you in person. This is why we refer to copywriting as the art of giving your website a ‘voice’. The tone of the text can vary significantly depending on your industry and how your personal character flows into your business.

Our copywriting team have a breadth of experience and styles so we will partner you with the most appropriate writer for your website copywriting.

Copywriting is all about helping customers connect with you

Returning customers may remember your name, or what you do, so they will find you searching online more easily. However for potential customers, who don’t know you exist yet, the text used in your website is the only way Google can connect them to your website.

After arriving on your website the text content then has a much deeper connection to make. It needs to convey your business brand, your goods and services, where you are based, and why they should buy from you. It needs to do all this before the visitor hits the “back” button.

A well-written website should:

  • use keywords to rank you on Google so people can find you

  • have great text content so people stay with you and look around your site

  • highlight your point of difference so visitors convert to enquiries

Is Copywriting connected with SEO?

You’ve probably heard of Search Engine Optimisation or SEO. SEO is the answer to the question “How do I get to number one on Google?”.

While there are lot of ways to optimise your website for Google, the foundation of all good SEO is having great copywriting, and using key words customers will think are relevant to your business.

What is great copy? It speaks to and engages the visitor, welcomes them to your business, creates interest in your product and gives them the information they are looking for.

Your website should also clearly highlight ‘what makes you special’, the point of difference between your business over your competitors.

Our website developments each include copywriting as we believe it is essential to set up your website for long term success.

$120 p/hr Adhoc Copywriting

If you would like to discuss the benefits of hiring a professional copywriter, please get in touch we’d love to meet you face to face and chat about your business.

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